Stagnoli gears for wood processing: products cut out for success

31 January 2023

Stagnoli is a leader in the field of technopolymer gears. We have become a benchmark for companies seeking to prioritise product innovation, with numerous advantages in terms of both production and performance.


Woodworking gears

Our range of technopolymer gears for wood processing

We have operated for some time in the field of machinery for wood processing, in which our technopolymer gears have numerous applications: thanks to their excellent performance, they are chosen and used as an innovative solution to typical problems affecting metal components.

We offer an extensive catalogue of standard solutions, which can be customised by our engineering department; but above all we are able to design and mould products to the customer's specifications, thanks to more than 40 years' experience in research and development.

The entire Stagnoli range is available in fibreglass-reinforced nylon, and also in two new types of materials:

  • POM (acetal resin);
  • PK (polyketone).

These materials guarantee greater resistance to a wide range of chemicals, detergents and solvents typically used to clean machinery for wood processing.

The advantages of technopolymer gears for wood processing

We offer our customers in the wood processing sector effective solutions involving the use of plastic gears designed for machinery for cutting, processing, edgebanding, angle grinding, chamfering and polishing wood.

woodworking gears

Our technopolymer gears for cutting machines can be used without the need for lubricants and are not affected by chemical aggression: this makes them extremely reliable for production and use. Furthermore, the lightness of our gears (approximately 7 times lighter than their metal equivalents) results in an overall reduction in inertia for the entire machine.

The possibility of choosing the most suitable technopolymers for a specific application, the reduced attrition rate and noise, and other characteristics of our gears make our technopolymer components the most appropriate products for companies producing machinery for wood processing.

Download our catalogue and discover the entire product range. For more information about our technopolymer gears for wood processing, please contact us.