SPS Smart Production Solutions 2019: Norimberga post-show report.

13 December 2019

A few weeks ago, more precisely from 26 to 28 November, we took part in SPS Smart Production Solutions 2019 in Nuremberg, the parent event of SPS Italia, an unmissable appointment with intelligent, digital and flexible industry. The event was an important meeting place and direct comparison for the international manufacturing industry. The following is a post-show report.


SPS smart production solutions 2019

SPS Smart Production Solutions 2019: innovations on show at the event.

SPS Smart Production Solutions 2019 brought together the leading companies of the automotive sector. A number of innovations were presented during the three days in Nuremberg, including:

  • Kuka robots with IoT suite
  • Systems for automated handling of small parts (schunk)
  • Innovative system dynamics (Siemens)
  • Handling solutions with state-of-the-art controls
  • Balluf modules and sensors
  • Flexible transport systems (B&R)
  • New range of Stagnoli standard gears in POM and POLYKETONE

For more information on the many items and projects on display, watch the dedicated video by clicking here.


Great feedback for Stagnoli at SPS Smart Production Solutions 2019.

Our participation at SPS Smart Production 2019 was a success. We had the chance to illustrate our gearing design service for the automotive sector, in particular presenting our thermoplastic gears.

Our drive gear design work for the automotive industry was highly appreciated. We have therefore decided to take place in the next edition of the event too.


Stay tuned to keep updated and to find out about the most recent innovation of this sector, but also to find out about the next appointments where you can meet us and discover the quality of our services. For more information about thermoplastic gears for the automotive industry, please contact us.