Vehicle and pick-up cover movement: Stagnoli meets the challenge of metal replacement in the automotive sector

3 August 2020

For a number of years now the goal in the Automotive sector has been that of improving vehicle performance and reducing consumption, as well as decreasing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The strategy undertaken over the years has been to make vehicles lighter by focusing on the materials used to create them. Up to now the trend has been to use aluminium owing to its mechanical and physical characteristics, its recyclability and eco-sustainability, and its relative affordability compared to other metals.


Metal replacement automotive

Metal replacement on vehicles: vehicles become lighter and consumption falls

Today the challenge is to further reduce the overall weight of vehicles by replacing metal components with plastic parts. Metal replacement in the automotive sector requires knowledge and skills that few companies possess. Stagnoli has just taken on and succeeded in a challenge that seemed to be a tough ask: to replace the aluminium supports and pulleys of a movement system for pick-up covers with highly engineered plastic material.  

Stagnoli and its contribution to the automotive sector thanks to plastic components

Design, quality, know-how and technology have allowed Stagnoli to rise to the challenge and successfully replace aluminium components with high-performance plastic parts. For each type of component, it has carefully chosen the most suitable technopolymer, paying particular attention to the surrounding conditions (stress, operating temperatures, etc.). The results obtained have proved that the company from Lonato (BS) was right once again, demonstrating that it is not just a supplier of technopolymer components and transmission parts, but a genuine partner that is actively involved, starting from the design phase right up to optimising the customer's production.

Contact us to send your request regarding plastic components and gears for the automotive sector or any type of other project in development.