New service from September 2020: mechanical component 3D prototyping

27 July 2020

Stagnoli’s commitment to finding ever more performing solutions translates this year into the introduction of a new service tailored to our customers. The new service is the 3D prototyping of technopolymer gears and mechanical components.


3d service Stagnoli

The new prototyping service is aimed at those who need precise and mechanically resistant structural components, such as:

  • Gears
  • Casing
  • Support brackets
  • Other components

Mechanical prototyping and 3D printing with Stagnoli

The new micro-series prototyping and production service, up and running from September 2020, uses a special 3D Printing FDM technology that guarantees high mechanical performance, up to 10 times higher than the plastics normally used in 3D printing of mechanical prototypes. This is possible thanks to the use of a fibrous reinforcement. Our prototyping is fast, flexible and completely Made in Stagnoli, which allows us to guarantee the delivery of small batches or single pieces in no time at all.

prototyping 3d technopolymer mechanical components

Stagnoli's mechanical prototyping: features and materials

Stagnoli's strong point for the prototyping service of mechanical components is to provide a 3D printed technical component with excellent mechanical properties, giving the customer the choice between two types of material, both with greater mechanical properties than the well-known PLA and ABS:

  1. Stagnoli FDM (polyamide based plastic matrix reinforced with shredded carbon fibres), or
  2. Stagnoli fibreglass FDM (in which Stagnoli FDM is further reinforced with fibreglass).

The advantages of prototyping mechanical components with Stagnoli: time and cost savings

The advantage that makes Stagnoli stand out from the competition is the possibility of engineering the sample: the innovation of Stagnoli technology is that of being able to further strengthen the component in the most stressed points by placing the tip of a fibrous reinforcement. Thanks to this 3D technology we are able to provide components suitable for life tests (duration), and comparable to injection moulded products. This allows the customer to test the designed component in the actual application (whether it is a support, or a gear) and to proceed more confidently with producing the mould. This step also reduces the likelihood of having to modify the mould, thereby avoiding costly processes and shortening the time to launch the component on the market.

Are you looking for a strategic partner for the mechanical prototyping of components such as gears, casing, support brackets and many others? Contact Stagnoli and discover the benefits of the tailor-made service available from September 2020.