Stagnoli Gears: know-how means getting their first

28 February 2022

Our company was established forty years ago based on a revolutionary idea: the merging of metal replacement and the concept of co-moulding in the transmission elements sector.

This idea led to a patent of the technopolymer rack with a steel core. A goal we safeguard with pride, which gives our company over forty years of know-how and the skills that enable us to stand out as the leading company in the sector of transmission units in technopolymer of co-moulded gears with inserts.

Metal replacement and co-moulding by Stagnoli Gears

Over the years, the metal replacement and co-moulding market has become increasingly aggressive and competitive, taking inspiration from our ideas and in particular reproducing our flagship product. The benefit of being the first however translates into increasingly expanding development of new, innovative products which has led to an expansion of our range of catalogue items: today, we offer all our clients the possibility of having an immediate and reliable turnkey solution for their applications.


metal replacement and co-moulding

Technology, quality and design are the keywords describing our design and production of racks for heavy gates as well as any type of transmission unit in technopolymer.

The optimal performance of plastic and technopolymer component design inevitably passes through attentive design of the equipment and moulds to use in the production cycle. To ensure maximum functionality, all our moulds are designed internally by our company. Quality is always guaranteed by constant and continuous research into components for moulds that optimise the mechanical properties of the component and its aesthetic appearance.

A clear and winning example was the introduction of a system that creates the vacuum inside the mould: activated before injection opening a valve that sucks the air, leaving the cavity in optimal conditions for injection. The result? A better quality mould with the same injection time and without changes in moulding parameters, avoiding air entrapment with resulting burns and lack of material.

Are you seeking a partner par excellence in metal replacement of transmission units and co-moulding? Stagnoli Gears is for you. Contact us and we can immediately begin our long and beneficial collaboration!